How are Totem renewals calculated?

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In short, annual renewals are based on a Company’s active employee count and charged at 40 Baht per employee per month.
The Totem keeps track of the maximum number of active users on a monthly basis throughout the year. Renewals are based on the last number of active users and a calculation is made to “True Up” the previous billed period based upon the totals of maximum active employee numbers per each month over that period.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the company using Totem to manage their active and inactive users. If employees who have left the company are not marked as inactive they will be charged as active employees. Further note: the entire history of inactive employees is kept for two annual periods providing the company continues to use Totem.
Still not clear?  Here’s an easy example.

Let’s say on 1 January your company signs up for Totem for 100 employees ie 100 employees for 12 months = Baht 48,000
Internally we calculate this as 1200 employee month credits
Tables with Scenario A
In this example the Renewal Billing for following year:
  • 12 months for 90 employees (ending month employee active balance)
  • less credit for 120 inactive employee months @ 40 = Baht 4800
New Invoice
less credit for unused employee months
New Invoice total
Tables with Scenario B
In this example the Renewal Billing for following year:
  • 12 months for 120 employees (ending month employee active balance)
  • extra charge due for 240 unbilled employee months @ 40 = Baht 9,600
New Invoice
True up charge for un-billed employee months
New Invoice total
Full Details of your monthly totals will be provided on your renewal invoice.