Thai Labour Law (updated 2019)

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Thai Labour law states clearly that for companies with more than 10 employees leave policies must be available in the Thai language, in writing and be part of published Work Rules. Work Rules must be generally available to all staff.

On May 5 2019 the Labour Protection Act (No 7) was published in the Royal Gazette and is now applicable to all companies in Thailand. The Act updated several aspects of leave and some other Labour related provisions.
Key amendments include:

  • addition allowance for Maternity Leave
  • changes in Personal Business Leave

We’ve updated our Simple Leave Policy document which we first published in May 2017 to reflect the changes.

Our policy document is provided below at no charge, and can be downloaded in both Microsoft Word format and Adobe Portable Document Format.

If you don’t yet have a leave policy for your company we suggest that you consider creating one, and what better way to manage it all than to use Totem Leave Management software, the best leave system suitable available in Thailand, capable of handling from the smallest to the largest of companies.