List of TAGS in payroll

When preparing or reviewing payroll on Totem, the system provides a number of useful TAGS that will allow to quickly assess any important changes to employee status.

These changes are visible when the payroll is run and to any people involved in the checking or approval process.  The information is also permanently saved as part of the payroll history. The changes will show for the period of the payroll and depending on the relevance of the information, may continue for the following periods. 

Here is list of all available TAGS


new employee

no bank account

no bank account details recorded

bank a/c change

a change has been recorded for the current payrun for an updated bank account

bank a/c change not verified

a change has been recorded for the current payrun and the bank account has not been verified

salary changed

employee’s salary has changed for or in the current payroll period

pvd change

a change relating to the employee’s provident fund relates to the current payrun

cost center change

the employee’s cost center has changed

not register sso

employee not registered for SSO

skipped payroll

employee has skipped payroll cycle, possibly due to rejoining company or joining late in the previous pay period

will resign

employee has defined Employment End Date with Resign Reason being resignation

will retire

employee has defined Employment End Date with Resign Reason being retirement

will terminate

employee has defined Employment End Date with Resign Reason being terminated


resigned in this payroll period


retired in this payroll period


severance pay included in payroll


already resigned, may be due extra payments


already retired


already terminated

tax overwrite

tax calculation has been overwritten

pvd overwrite

provident fund calculation has been overwritten


leave without pay has been taken in the current payrun

payroll note

employee has payroll note on their profile


confirmed payroll draft