1. Go to Setting.2. Go to Data Definition then click on Non-charge Time Codes.3. Click ‘add new record’.4. fill in the information then click ‘Save’.
1. Go to Setting.2. Go to Organization then click Departments and go into record details page.3. Click Edit.4. Add Activity then Click Save.
1. Go to ‘Timesheets’ module. 2. Scroll down, then click ‘manage column’. 3. Click ‘Change Display’. 4. Click on ‘search result format:’ box of Engagement(Job, Matter), then select format that you prefer to display. 5. Click Save.
1. Go to ‘Billings’ module. 2. Click Edit button. 3. Scroll down, then found ‘Filter Timesheets & Expense’. You can check the checkbox here. 4. After check the checkbox, the filter will show more to select. 4.1) Entry period: 4.2) Activity code: 4.3) Hide Non-Billable WIP:
1. Go to Settings.2. Click on the ‘Users’ menu. On Users page, Search for the user then Click ‘Edit’ button.3. Click change password on User edit page.4. We have two options, admin could select the proper option:Option 1: The admin can manually change the password to a new one and […]
In the case of change the information of a legal entity (such as change name of legal entity), it can be divided into 3 parts: 1. Modifying the information of the legal entity.2. Updating the legal entity’s information within departments.3. Updating job types to align with the legal entity details. […]