Thai Labour law states that your company needs a leave policy

Thai Labour law states clearly that for companies with more than 10 employees certain leave policies must be in Thai, in writing and be part of published Work Rules which must be generally available to staff.

If you don’t follow this requirement your ability to be successful in any Labour Court proceedings will most likely be compromised. Our recommendation is to recognise this commercial risk as well as the legal requirements. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

  1. You company needs to have policy conditions which cover:
    1. Annual Leave
    2. Sick Leave
    3. Maternity Leave
    4. Personal Business Leave
  2. You should probably also have a policy relating to the following as well:
    1. Training Leave
    2. Sterilisation Leave
    3. Military Service Leave

If you don’t already have these policies, now is the time to look at doing something about it. We provide a framework boilerplate for these policies at this link  and its simple enough to download the paper, make changes and publish at your organisation.

By doing so you then will have covered your legal requirements and reduced the commercial risk. If you already have written policies, have a look at what we’ve done and see how your policy compares.

We’re looking forward to providing your company with simple, paperless leave management by our Totem Leave Management Software.