รัฐบาลประกาศให้มีวันหยุดพิเศษ 1 วัน เพื่อชดเชยวันหยุดสงกรานต์ที่ผ่านมา The government has announced that a substitute national public holiday will be allowed for one day of the holidays lost at Songkran earlier this year. GainPlus ได้สร้างวิดีโอขึ้นมาสำหรับแอดมินผู้ดูแลระบบ เพื่อแนะนำวิธีจัดการวันหยุดในระบบ Totem Leave Management โดยดูวิธีการตั้งค่าวันหยุด ตามลิ้งนี้ด้านล่าง We’ve put together a short video that shows HR Managers how to make the change to […]
Thai Labour law states clearly that for companies with more than 10 employees leave policies must be available in the Thai language, in writing and be part of published Work Rules. Work Rules must be generally available to all staff. On May 5 2019 the Labour Protection Act (No 7) […]
Recently we were approached by a Totem client and advised that they had a situation they needed Totem to handle. Their situation was that whilst their standard work week was Monday to Fridays, under the Company’s work rules staff were required to work an extra day a month on selected […]
Totem payroll always is compliant with Thai Labour Law. A payroll package needs to handle a number of scenarios relating to where staff may have not completed their full pay period. Reasons for this may be: Leave without Pay (LWOP) ie: employee has taken leave for which they are not […]
We’ve been hard at work at GainPlus providing some extra functionality to our award winning Totem Leave Management software. Following user feedback we now cover the following: How many hours a day? Firstly, we’ve rejigged our database backend so that we now handle times by the hour! Previously we handled […]
Thai Labour law states clearly that for companies with more than 10 employees certain leave policies must be in Thai, in writing and be part of published Work Rules which must be generally available to staff. If you don’t follow this requirement your ability to be successful in any Labour […]