
Special Working Days

Recently we were approached by a Totem client and advised that they had a situation they needed Totem to handle. Their situation was that whilst their standard work week was Monday to Fridays, under the Company’s work rules staff were required to work an extra day a month on selected […]

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Thailand Labour Law, partial months and LWOP

Totem payroll always is compliant with Thai Labour Law. A payroll package needs to handle a number of scenarios relating to where staff may have not completed their full pay period. Reasons for this may be: Leave without Pay (LWOP) ie: employee has taken leave for which they are not […]

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January 2019 Mobile App Update

The latest Totem Leave App for Android and iOS was released today. There’s nothing earth shattering in it, just a simplification to aid those companies which have a long list of leave types, so that users will see a sub set of leave common types, along with a <<more>> button. […]

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Latest tax break covers Baht 60k of prenatal care, childbirth costs

As reported in the Bangkok Post on 17 October the Revenue Department is increasing tax allowances for individuals to cover prenatal care and childbirth expenses with retroactive effect from January 1 2018. The new tax deduction is aimed at encouraging people to have more children as Thai society ages. For […]

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The best, most comprehensive payroll package in Thailand!

GainPlus Solutions is pleased to announce the availability of our Totem Payroll solution, we believe the best, most up to date payroll software available in Thailand. Our cloud based solution puts companies in control of their payroll and reporting. Being cloud based allows preparation, review and approvals to take place from anywhere […]

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GainPlus included DKIM for outgoing emails

GainPlus has recently included DKIM on our mail servers so that mail sent from our Leave (and soon to come Payroll) servers will be signed by keys managed by our own PKI certificates.  What does this mean to users? Well, perhaps not a lot will be seen by users.  Techopedia explains […]

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